How Bluemotion presented their human body VR experience to 140 doctors simultaneously.
The first success story article of EZ360! We had the chance to ask Bluemotion a couple of questions after they made use of EZ360 for their big VR event in November 2019. Turned out that the VR experience was a big success and EZ360 performed very well.

Location: Italy
Target group: Health Care Industry
VR Headsets: 140 Oculus Go
About the VR project
“My company specializes in making 360 videos, in this case the goal was to make a journey within the human body to explain the benefits of a new drug in the prevention of thrombus formation in the arteries of the heart. This video was used for a presentation within a training course for doctors, so I needed to show this video simultaneously to an audience of about 140 people.”
How did EZ360 help you?
“EZ360 made it all possible, without complications; making the viewing experience as simple as possible by allowing the public to focus fully on the video and be fascinated by the world of vr.”
Are you working on a VR project and looking for a solution for the management, distribution and playback of the VR content? Contact us for a free consultation or register an account at EZ360 to try it out for free!